1) Remove any old tinyos repository from /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following:
A common pool supports all Ubuntu distributions based on Debian Squeeze. Specifing lucid as the distibrution should work fine.
and paste the following lines to the bashrc file.
export TOSROOT=/opt/tinyos-2.1.1
export TOSDIR=$TOSROOT/tos
export CLASSPATH=$TOSROOT/support/sdk/java:.:$TOSROOT/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar : . : $CLASSPATH
export MAKERULES=$TOSROOT/support/make/Makerules
export PATH=/opt/msp430/bin:$PATH
A common pool supports all Ubuntu distributions based on Debian Squeeze. Specifing lucid as the distibrution should work fine.
deb http://tinyos.stanford.edu/tinyos/dists/ubuntu lucid main
2) Update your repository cache :
sudo apt-get update
3) Run the following to install the latest release of tinyos and all its supported tools:
sudo apt-get install tinyos
This will likely give you a message telling you to choose between the two available versions. An example to then execute is:
sudo apt-get install tinyos-2.1.1
4)(Optional)This should install the latest MSPGCC tools. We now have to download the latest TinyOS® version from the official repository, in order to be able to compile for telosb based products. Open a console and type:
cd /opt
sudo svn checkout http://tinyos-main.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ tinyos-main-read-only
sudo cp -R /opt/tinyos-main-read-only /opt/tinyos-2.x
This will add the latest Tinyos® code, which include the new msp430x chip drivers.
5) Then we need to change the environmental variables. For this we open the .bashrc file
$ gedit ~/.bashrcand paste the following lines to the bashrc file.
export TOSROOT=/opt/tinyos-2.1.1
export TOSDIR=$TOSROOT/tos
export CLASSPATH=$TOSROOT/support/sdk/java:.:$TOSROOT/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar : . : $CLASSPATH
export MAKERULES=$TOSROOT/support/make/Makerules
export PATH=/opt/msp430/bin:$PATH
Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.profile
file in your home directory to set up the environment for TinyOS development at login
#Sourcing the tinyos environment variable setup script
source /opt/tinyos-2.1.1/tinyos.sh
6)Change the permission
7) Finally, to check if the installation was done , run the command
$ tos-check-env
For further help visit to :
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